NHS Informatics Merseyside

Cheshire and Merseyside

Microsoft 365 Optimisation Programme

Psst! Our Knowledge Hub has a brand new look!


Our Microsoft 365 Knowledge Hub has had a makeover and now sports a fresh new look. 

As well as providing access to an extensive library of Microsoft 365 online learning courses, the Microsoft 365 Knowledge Hub now includes enhanced navigation and content including handy hints and tips to help you get the most from your Microsoft 365 apps.  

Please follow our social media account for the latest updates and start your learning journey by registering to use the Microsoft 365 Knowledge Hub at: https://www.cheshiremerseyside365.nhs.uk/knowledge-hub/  

Why not become a Microsoft 365 Digital Champion?  

Enhance your digital skills and support others to embrace digital by becoming a Microsoft 365 Digital Champion. It’s a great way to learn, share ideas and problem solve! Find out more and join our growing friendly network by completing our online form

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